Friday, July 25, 2014

Animals Attack Movie Night

You're all fine and good when animals attack each other. Nature's plan you say. The circle of life you sing. But as soon as a spider or, say, alligator starts sniffing around your place crawling for a brawling all of the sudden it's a problem to be dealt with? This is a healthy attitude. Stick with it.

Kingdom of the Spiders comes from John "Bud" Carlos, the man that brought you The Day Time Ended. It stars William Shatner playing a man named Rack Hansen. Maybe he's still angry at his mom for naming him that because the charater can barely hide his contempt for women.

I watched this movie a couple of years ago and I've never been more sure I've watched a movie previously while being so close to also forgetting it completely. I don't know if that's a comment on memory or the quality of this movie.

Big Alligator River or The Great Alligator or Il Fiume del Grande Caimano is from the people that brought you past BMN movie 2019: After the Fall of New York and future BMN movie Hands of Steel. It stars Mel Ferrer, who we've seen in The Visitor and Nightmare City, but I mention since he's the only person to star in two Eaten Alive movies. The first of which has a people-eating crocodile in it. And the other one was inspired by the Jim Jones People's Temple cult in Guyana, just like the movie Guyana: Cult of the Damned starring... Mel Ferrer! I go insane reading IMDB sometimes.

Here's what happened two weeks ago:

This actually happened.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Monster Movie Night

Monsters. Why are they always drooling and scratching things and, if CGI, roaring right into the camera?

What is the deal with these monsters? Look, observational humor aside, what these monsters are doing is top-notch stuff. Really A-plus work. Keep it up monsters!

Monsters didn't make the cut on Horror Anthology Television Night. But it's 80s, low budget and hired notables like John Saxon, Adrienne Barbeau, Linda Blair, Eddie Deezen, Richard Moll, Troy Donahue, Julie Brown and Stephen King. Neither of the episodes we're watching have those people in it but they do have Joe Flaherty and Mary Woronov.

Mahakaal (AKA The Monster) is BMN's first Bollywood movie. It started filming in the 80s but was only released in 1993. So no making fun of it for having outdated references. Just kidding. Make fun of it for everything.

Here's what happened two weeks ago: