Monday, June 29, 2009

The Thrilla In The Jungle

I forgot about my second favorite Michael Jackson Internet thing. It's a video of the Rumble In The Jungle where Michael's scary time-traveling ghost head appears in the celebrating crowd after the fight. He appears around 5:46 near the middle of the picture.

You can see a slow motion gif here.

Why would Michael be visiting Zaire in 1974 besides taking in the Ali-Foreman boxing match? My guess is he was visiting their large population of chimpanzees, given his affection for Bubbles. In fact, Zaire (now known as the Democratic Republic of the Congo)is especially known for locals keeping chimps as pets.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Billy Mays Dead at 50

I was reading a thread about who the next three dead celebrities would be and checked CNN half jokingly to see if anyone had died. Didn't expect him. At least these deaths break up the dog and bad movies posts. NSFW for language:

Thursday, June 25, 2009


My favorite Michael Jackson related internet thing, in case you don't read Exclacomma.

Interview with The Room's Tommy Wiseau

Writer, director and star of The Room is interviewed over on the AV Club and all his answers sound like they were translated from Russian using Google Language Tools.

"Perfect example is scene with the love scene. A lot of people at the screening, they are uncomfortable, they go to bathroom, they are turning their heads. You can observe the audience, this is a fact."

-He's writing The Room The Book
-The kid on drugs is "retarded a little bit."
-He likes cheesecake
-The "love scene, is pretty real, almost 100 percent."
-He's working on "feature movies like vampires, and another one... my next movie will be also basketball, you’ll be surprised too."

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

belated dog videos

these videos of Colbert, Gehry and Raimi are about 2 weeks old, but ridiculously adorable!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Bad Movie Night

Marissa and I watched the Quentin Tarantino moistening Chungking Express the other day, a movie that mostly takes place in a busy business district in Hong Kong. Well, if there was ever a horror counterpart to CE it's Bio-Zombie which has been described as the Chinese Dawn of The Dead as it takes place in a mall. It also has shades of Cloverfield in that both have monsters that may have been caused by soda:

Which you'd only know if you followed the backstory of Cloverfield online. Yeah so what if I did?

In fact, bad beverages is the theme of the night as Street Trash has some libelous libation of it's own. Someone descibed ST as the movie Troma has been trying to make for 30 years but hasn't. That's exactly it.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

You're Riffing Me Apart

Rifftrax just released their commentary on The Room. Here's a sample:

Friday, June 19, 2009

Turkish Star Wars, November 23rd

I could do a million of these but it's time to end it. And why not with the movie that's widely considered the worst movie (in a bad way) that we watched at Bad Movie Night, Dünyayi Kurtaran Adam AKA Turkish Star Wars. Yes, that is the "original" music from the movie:

If this is as bad as it gets, I think that's pretty good! I guess the rocks in Turkey are good for slapping and bouncing on. As a bonus, here's an awesome Turkish Star Wars montage set to the Beastie Boys Intergalactic:

Or just watch the whole movie here.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Dog Update

Raimi is doing very well, considering. This weekend i decided to try and give him a hair cut with STank Girl's help and her pet clippers. well, when we got started, i realized that the only options were nothing or shaved, and i really didn't wanna shave Raimi. so we tried to just cut his hair short... fail! here is a pics of his bald spot:

here's a picture of his adorable hair cut i gave him w/ scissors after the bald-spot incidient:

Deadly Friend, February 8th

I kinda wanted to say this was Throw Momma From The Train so it would be really shocking. But it gives it away in the title of the video. And the preview. Boo. Something seems to be wrong with the left side of her hip when she's flailing around. Epic flail.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Bad Movie Night

Did you guys know there's a Warriors halloween party in Brooklyn? Of course you did because it was on Exclacomma almost 4 years ago. None of the links work so maybe they don't do it anymore. Too bad, an Arrested Development Warriors gang would be awesome. The guy who speaks the famous "Warriors, come out and play-e-ay" is Ben Horne's brother Jerry in Twin Peaks!

I guess the lead in 1990: Bronx Warriors, Trash, didn't know any English and is speaking all his lines phonetically. Which explains why he doesn't show any emotion. This is the last movie Vic Morrow, playing Hammer, lived through. A guy who calls himself Hammer in real life, Fred Williamson, once lost to the Packers in Super Bowl I.

Howling III: The Marsupials, September 28th

Monday, June 15, 2009

The Pit, January 11th

Jamie takes Mrs. Oliphant out for a (st)roll. Enjoy beautiful Beaver Dam, Wisconsin in this clip:

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Massacre in Dinosaur Valley, January 11th

The Hurley clone in the much maligned but awesome Massacre in Dinosaur Valley (NSFW):

Friday, June 12, 2009

Bad Movie Night Retrospective

A week from now we celebrate the one year anniversary of Bad Movie Night. How about some of the weirdest things we've seen, in no particular order over the next week, that happen to be on YouTube. This is from 2019: After the Fall of New York which we watched on December 28th:

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Bad Movie Night

Our Bad Movie Night is moving to Friday, just for kicks!

The Legend of Dinosaurs and Monster Birds is from Japan and we've been sorely lacking in Asian movies. Riki-oh: The Story of Ricky is the only other one I can think of. We're back in the East for this giant monster movie, something the Japanese seem to have an affinity for. Is it because they're generally shorter than everyone else? They probably feel like they're in the land of the giants all the time. There's definitely going to be a Godzilla movie in BMN's future. Anyway, TLoDaMB is fun if only because of the wildly inappropriate music. It's funky.

We're watching Q: The Winged Serpent because David Carradine is in it. He was a tall man so probably didn't have monsters bothering him so much. In searching for monster bird movies I almost settled on The Giant Claw, a 1957 movie with the most ridiculous looking monster in history. But I chickened out showing such an old movie:

Saturday, June 6, 2009

But Different

Since Marissa's favorite movie is When Harry Met Sally... I thought I'd post the most famous scene.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Bad Movie Night

"We tried to reference it on Veronica Mars as much as possible". -- Mars Creator Rob Thomas

"Within two minutes, I'm like, 'Okay, this is my favorite thing I've ever seen." -- Wet, Hot American Summer director David Wain.

"It's not like there's one or two or three things that are bad about it. There are several hundred." -- David Cross

They're talking about The Room, a movie that can't possibly live up to the expectations I have for it.

Teen Witch is a musical that peaked my interest after this happened on 30 Rock:

It stars Robyn Lively, who you may remember as the fiancée of the mayor of Twin Peaks and Miss Twin Peaks contestant. It also stars Poltergeist little person Zelda Rubinstein who we saw in the Bad Movie Night movie Anguish.

These are our 100th and 101st movies we've watched for Bad Movie Night. Here's a list. How many have you seen? Which are your favorites?:

Sleepaway Camp
Sleepaway Camp 2
Hard Rock Zombies
Microwave Massacre
Bad Taste
Dead Alive
The Executioner, Part II
Riki-oh: The Story of Ricky
The Stuff
The Blob
Graduation Day
Death Race 2000
Black Devil Doll From Hell
The Last Dragon
Burial Ground
The Dead Next Door
Invitation To Hell
Cemetary Man
Repo Man
Baby Blood
The Unborn
Motel Hell
Lady Terminator
Night of the Creeps
Howling 3: The Marsupials
The Monster Squad
Night of the Comet
From Beyond
Long Island Cannibal Massacre
Basket Case
Night of the Demons
The Toxic Avenger
The Last Slumber Party
Slumber Party Massacre
Cutting Class
Blood Freak
Turkish Star Wars
They Live
Big Trouble in Little China
Silent Night, Deadly Night
Christmas Evil
Black Christmas
Evil Laugh
Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge
Massacre in Dinosaur Valley
The Pit
Zombie 4: After Death
White Dog
Brain Damage
Night of the Demon
Deadly Friend
My Bloody Valentine
Don't Go In To The Woods…Alone!
The Burning
Killer Klowns From Outer Space
Zombie 90: Extreme Pestilence
The Dark Power
Killer Workout
Slaughter High
April Fools' Day
Tales From the Quadead Zone
Night Train of Terror
Raw Force
The Horror of the Humungous Hungry Hungan
The Deadly Spawn
V:Part 1
V:Part 2
Deadly Prey
Road House
Girls Nite Out
Final Exam
The Return of the Living Dead
Memorial Valley Massacre
The Video Dead
Death Bed: The Bed That Eats
The Room
Teen Witch

Me? I've seen all of them. My top ten are:
1. Massacre in Dinosaur Valley
2. Lady Terminator
3. Boardinghouse
4. Gymkata
5. Riki-oh: The Story of Ricky
6. Raw Force
7. The Pit
8. Winterbeast
9. Demonwarp
10. Elves

Movies I watched but have little to no memory of:
1. The Dead Next Door
2. Cutting Class
3. White Dog
4. Don't Go In To The Woods…Alone!

After These Messages, We'll Be Right Back

For some reason this jingle was stuck in my head this morning even though I haven't heard it in 20 years. It was even specifically in the voice of the last one, when the fire hydrant sounds like Leon Redbone:

Monday, June 1, 2009

More puppy pictures!

Yesterday, Raimi turned 10 weeks old! potty training is moving along... slowly!

Even tho he's underage, he already loves him some wisconsin beer:

on sunday night, ed and kate brought Jack over, and he met Raimi for the first time:

I bought Raimi a jacket for when he needs to go out in the middle of the night (its still a little cold). i took some pics because it was so cute!

then he took an adorable nap

Don't Miss Lists

The library has once again listed the newest arrivals from the past month and I bring you the best. Bold = Hold.

Strange Aeons: The Thing on The Doorstep - I don't know what this is but it's related to HP Lovecraft and I like things on doorsteps. I also like whatnots in gazebos.

Shortbus - No, I'm not getting it for the unsimulated sex. I'm getting it because it's directed by John Cameron Mitchell, and that makes me think of Cameron Mitchell.

Side Effects - I've already seen this and it wasn't very good but I note it because you can watch Katherine Heigl running around Madison in it.

The Unborn - I find it interesting that this movie about a killer baby shares the name with an otherwise unrelated killer baby movie called The Unborn that we watched on bad movie night along with Baby Blood, a movie that, its rumored, has Gary Oldman as the English-language version's voice of the baby and he also stars in this movie. Doesn't that blow your mind? I mean, how long I was able to make that sentence?

Death Wish 4 The Crackdown - I've never seen a Death Wish, should I start with this one? A revenge action movie from 1987 appeals to me.

Watchmen - I wasn't going to see it but there were only a hundred holds for 10 copies. That's like being 10th in line! I guess this movie isn't very popular.

Air America - à la the movie Prairie Home Companion, this a fictional movie staring Janeane Garofalo and Al Franken depicting the last days of the talk radio network before it collaspes into bankruptcy. I'm just kidding, it's some crap with Mel Gibson.

My Bloody Valentine - Last month I worried the library wouldn't have 3-D glasses for their copy of Friday the 13th Part 3-D but they did! And it didn't work all that great. But maybe this 3-D remake will be different.

JCVD - Jean-Claude Van Damme is to this what Mickey Rourke was to The Wrestler. Although I don't see anybody offering JC a major villian role in a superhero movie. May I suggest Mr. Mxyzptlk?

To Market To Market To Buy A Fat Pig - What?

Picture of Light - I can't believe they made a movie about that hack Thomas Kinkade.

Bollywood Booty - This isn't really for me.

The Firm: Get chisel'd - Closer. But if Wilford Brimley just scares you into getting "chisel'd" I'm not down.

Cardio For Indie Rockers - Finally, an exercise tape for me and my love for Animal Collective.

The Hollywood Librarian: A Look at Librarians Through Film - Hmm, how did this get purchased? Actually, this could be interesting. Kind of a Celluloid Closet for librarians. Did you know Norman Bates was a librarian? They just could spell it out back then. Unusually close to his mom. Nudge-nudge. Into Taxidermy. Wink-wink. Kills people in the shower. I can't believe people missed it back then.

All Star Turkey Hunting - Oh man, they're all here. Brad Harris, Ben Lee, Terry Rohm, Harold Knight. I would've loved to be a turkey on the wall when those guys got together.

Christian The Lion: The Lion Who Thought He Was People - I wouldn't be able to watch this. I can't watch the YouTube video without tearing up, despite the terrible music. See, I'm not dead inside:

Here come the waterworks.

The Lice Busters Video - "With fun filled help from GZ, our popular animated germ buster". I came very close to getting this one.

Weeds, Season Four - Is this the season that Mary-Louise Parker is embarrassed about because of her big nipples?

Safe As Milk by Captain Beefheart - Is anybody into Captain Beefheart? Are they any good?

My Maudlin Career by Camera Obscura

Fast & Furious Original Motion Picture Soundtrack - Nothing remarkable about this except for the odd choice of album cover, according to the library: