Wednesday, August 12, 2009

No Bad Movie Night

But you should watch Scarecrows(1988) on Hulu. It's getting these comments:

"Interseting yet made no sense! (2/5 Stars)"

"Really not a bad movie for being made in the 80's." (ed. note--What!?)

"I'd watch is again just to see Ted Vernon's hairy shoulders."

"I've seen worse(EXAMPLE: Will Ferrell's 'Semi-Pro')"

"The sound effects in the picture Scarecrows never ended, there forever were sound effects"

So if you like movies that are better than Semi-Pro with wall-to-wall sound effects watch this one. Wow, Hulu has Giant Spider Invasion too. "This can't be Wisconsin, there's no billboards for Tommy Bartlett's Water Show."


  1. what happened to bad movie night?

  2. michael and i are in maryland! we watched Deadly Spawn with my parents last night, and it was fun! BMN is back on next week!
