Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Penis Movie Night

Soul Vengeance is also known as Welcome Home Brother Charles. Soul? Brother? Yep, this is another blaxploitation movie. I hope it's okay having one so soon after blaxploitation monthsploitation. And I'm going to be honest here, I can't find many good reviews for it online. But I'm pretty sure it's everyone else who's wrong. How about I promise it's better than Poultrygeist but not as good as Samurai Cop.

Hanzo the Razor: Sword of Justice is also known as Goyôkiba. Sword? Goyôkiba? Yep, this is Japanese. The same year that director Kenji Misumi made the movies that were later edited into Shogun Assassin he made this movie from the same manga writer.

The guy in Hanzo is the brother of the guy in Shogun. Connections!

Imagine if we had had Samurai Night with Samurai Cop and Shogun Assassin. It would have been better than Massacre in Dinosaur Valley and The Pit!

Here's what happened last week:

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