Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Slow Motion Opening Shower Scene De Palma Movie Night

Brian De Palma gets a lot of grief for borrowing touches of Hitchcock for his movies but for all of Hitchcock's shower scene innovations he never thought about opening his movie with a woman showering in slow-motion. De Palma did that for both these movies.

The stars come out to shine in October. In Dressed to Kill there's Michael Caine (in his first but not last BMN holiday theme month), Angie Dickinson, Nancy Allen and Dennis Franz. For Carrie we have Sissy Spacek, Piper Laurie from Twin Peaks, William Katt from House, John Travolta from The Boy in the Plastic Bubble and Perfect (I never thought BMN would see three Travolta movies, at least with none of them being Battlefield Earth), Nancy Allen from Dressed to Kill and P.J. Soles in her fifth movie:

The Boy in the Plastic Bubble
Rock 'n' Roll High School
Uncle Sam

Carrie and Star Wars shared casting calls so I can easily imagine William Katt as Luke Skywalker,

John Travolta as Han Solo and P.J. Soles as Princess Leia because she's got spunk. Let's see, I'm going to make Moff Tarkin Piper Laurie, Obi-Wan is going to be Betty Buckley,

C-3PO is Sissy Spacek, OBVIOUSLY. R2-D2 should be Edie McClurg because she's the comic relief! This is getting hard. Okay, Chewbacca is Amy Irving because of all the hair:

Darth Vader would be played by Nancy Allen because she's good working with cyborgs:

But he would be voiced by Sydney Lassick because I've always liked his voice:

And of course Porkins would be Michael Talbott.

This all works vice versa too even though it means Peter Mayhew and Mark Hamill cast as the popular high school couple.

Here's what happened last week:

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