Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Bad Movie Night

I don't think anyone knows I'm posting here. It's lonely. Here's what Marissa and I are watching for Bad Movie Night:

Why are we wasting our time watching only two stories every week? These two movies are horror anthologies, making this a virtual film festival of horror. Certainly better than any actual film festival that may be happening at the same time, one that booked no horror movies, for example.

Tales from the Quadead Zone is Chester Novell Turner's only other movie. Black Devil Doll From Hell was his first. From all accounts, this movie is EVEN BETTER THAN THAT MOVIE. Confusingly it features three stories so I'm not sure where the "Quad" part comes in.

The best horror anthology ever made came about when Stephen King and George Romero joined forces to make Creepshow. Creepshow has an amazing five stories. If my fingers don't deceive me, that's a total of eight!


  1. I wish I was watching Creepshow

  2. But if you knew, you'd wish you were watching Tales of the Quadead Zone.

