Thursday, March 4, 2010

Don't Miss Lists


Paper Heart - Marissa wants to see this movie with Michael Cera and the girl from Knocked Up who's the girlfriend of one Seth Rogen's roommates. Seems she also played "Party Goer" in Cloverfield. Wasn't Cloverfield great?

Up In the Air and An Education - I don't think I'm going to get these in time for the Oscars on Sunday. Are they good? I just know that I couldn't think of any food puns to make them snacks at the party. Maybe we could just serve airplane food and, um, English school cafeteria food?

Big Fan - Patton Oswalt plays a big football fan in a movie from the guy who wrote The Wrestler. I don't think it's a comedy. Marissa and I saw Patton at the Cinematic Titanic show in Milwaukee and he was great!

Demon seed - Alright, this is the second time this has been listed. The first time I put it on hold they cancelled it almost immediately and removed the listing. This time it just says:

Number of Copies: 0


And doesn't let you put it on hold. Stop teasing me with Demon Seed library!

Panic In Year Zero! - I like apocalypse movies. I like exclamation points.

Breastfeeding: What's a Dad Supposed To Do? - I'm going to watch TV!

Diseases Don't Just Happen! - I was just going to make fun of the title but after finding the cover art to put at the beginning of this post I knew I had to have it. In fact, it's worth putting in here twice and bigger this time:

Plus, you know, exclamation point.

Weeds, Season 5

Prom Night in Mississippi - The AV Club just reviewed this documentary about the first-ever integrated Senior Prom at one high school in Mississippi. This was in 1997. I was sad the library didn't have it then. Now I am happy.

Zardoz - The library finally got Zardoz on DVD! Now I can find out what director John "Deliverance" Boorman was thinking in the commentary. Plus, another apocalypse movie.


Volume Two by She & Him - The second record from M. Ward and Zooey Deschanel isn't out yet. Oh, I finally watched The Happening and I don't know what the hell Zooey was doing but I didn't think it was totally terrible.


  1. Maybe you can add some of these to the ole list. There are a couple I want to see pretty bad, I think Praise Band was my favorite.

  2. This is a good list. I haven't heard of any of them. Religious movies is definitely a genre we need to get into. I used to watch those on the Christian channel in Milwaukee and they were pretty great. That may have been the beginning of my appreciation for bad movies. Thanks Christians!

  3. I listen to Christian radio all the time actually, I just love that feeling of cringing while I am driving
