Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Blond Helicopter Pilot Night

Two years ago today some people gathered together to watch a movie called Winterbeast:

and the tradition continues with no end it sight. Okay, there may be an end in sight in the form of a child that asks, "Why did that man's head fly off like that?" But for now we can cherish the joy. You keep bringing it into my life (I'm always singing it).

You may have noticed that this means we celebrated the one year anniversary one week early last year. I don't know what happened. I guess we watched Bio Zombie/Street Trash at the appropriate time. Good, those movies were great!

So usually on a milestone BMN we watch a "name" movie like Dawn of the Dead or The Warriors but this time I thought it would be fun to watch two truly enjoyable, truly bad movies. How you enjoy Skyscraper may depend on how willing you are to laugh at a movie starring the tragic Anna Nicole Smith. Turns out I was pretty willing. She stars as a helicopter pilot caught up in a world not of her own making. That's what the trailer in my head says anyway. Some of the action set pieces are actually pretty impressive. Makes me hope the stunt coordinator went on to better things. Also because he looks like this:

Prepare yourself for sex scenes even more uncomfortable than in The Room.

Okay, the blond helicopter pilot in Samurai Cop doesn't really have much to do with the story. But I wasn't lying when I said it stars a man with the largest jaw you ever saw:

Because I never said that. He has a beard in this movie which minimizes it somewhat. But you should check out Z'Dar in Maniac Cop, Tango & Cash (character name: Face), Soultaker or Future War. As far as I can not find, his face is just like that. I figured it was a case of face gigantism or something.

Here's what happened last week:


  1. i can't believe you quoted Madonna... seriously, this week's movies were great! and i don't even like bad movies. too bad Wayne was the only one who could make it.

  2. I do not like the look of that man's face

  3. That's why he's always the bad guy. He's been in a couple MST3K movies and they made lots of storing nuts and being pummeled about the face jokes.
