Thursday, June 25, 2009

Interview with The Room's Tommy Wiseau

Writer, director and star of The Room is interviewed over on the AV Club and all his answers sound like they were translated from Russian using Google Language Tools.

"Perfect example is scene with the love scene. A lot of people at the screening, they are uncomfortable, they go to bathroom, they are turning their heads. You can observe the audience, this is a fact."

-He's writing The Room The Book
-The kid on drugs is "retarded a little bit."
-He likes cheesecake
-The "love scene, is pretty real, almost 100 percent."
-He's working on "feature movies like vampires, and another one... my next movie will be also basketball, you’ll be surprised too."


  1. You are the first one. I’m not saying because you are Michael, I’m saying because it’s true. First of all, let me tell you this—I studied psychology; I might actually go back to school, believe it or not. So this particular observation which you describe is that, sometimes, you don’t have to say anything. When you push back, we are, you know, many kids do that, and adults do the same.

  2. I must use "I’m not saying because you are Steve, I’m saying because it’s true" in regular conversation.

  3. your highlights are hysterical. i laughed out loud. If i may say that.
