Monday, June 1, 2009

More puppy pictures!

Yesterday, Raimi turned 10 weeks old! potty training is moving along... slowly!

Even tho he's underage, he already loves him some wisconsin beer:

on sunday night, ed and kate brought Jack over, and he met Raimi for the first time:

I bought Raimi a jacket for when he needs to go out in the middle of the night (its still a little cold). i took some pics because it was so cute!

then he took an adorable nap


  1. How much potty training has occurred? He's very cute, by the way.

  2. well, he pretty much goes outside all of the time, but he has at least one 'accident' per day. its the fear of that accident that means we can never leave him un-attended. must have him in the crate or on a leash or hold onto him at every possible moment when inside. it can be quite frustrating!

  3. He had an adorable fall down the stairs this morning.

  4. I guess as long as he is trained by the end of the summer.

  5. that sounds adorable. on hard wood, too? awwww.

  6. That coat is too cute. You'll have to get him booties for the winter.
