Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Eye Trauma Movie Night

This isn't the first Marissa-is-gone-let's-watch-movies-with-eye-trauma night. We watched Anguish


and Iced in December of 2008. Of course, plenty of BMN movies have had eye trauma in them. Looking up IMDB keywords "Eye Gouging" and "Stabbed In The Eye" is like a trip down memory lane. Undefeatable!
Kristi Jones: We'll keep an EYE out for you, Stingray.
Nick DiMarco: Yeah, SEE ya.
Day of the Triffids narrowly missed being part of Evil Vegetables Movie Night but lost out to The Happening. The theme kind of gave away the ending to The Happening now that I think about it.

I was tempted to make this Eye Surgery Night since the main character has eye surgery and I could pair it with Eyes of the Werewolf

where a guy gets werewolf eyes transplanted into his head. That hospital needs better screening procedures.

Day of the Triffids is what inspired the screenwriter of 28 Days Later.... Yes, Triffids has more scenes of a guy just out of the hospital wandering around famous London sites. BMN is a fluid trip through cinema.

I called Phantasm the "ninth most popular horror movie franchise of the 1970s/80s". My arbitrary ranking is:
1. Halloween
2. Nightmare on Elm Street
3. Friday the 13th
4. Jaws
5. The Exorcist
6. Texas Chainsaw Massacre
7. Hellraiser
8. The Howling
9. Phantasm
Before you shoot off an angry comment, the Night of the Living Dead franchise didn't start in and has only two movies in the 70s and 80s so I didn't count it. I also considered 3 a trilogy and 4 or more a franchise. We've watch at least one of each of the above except for Jaws. Who's for Jaws The Revenge?

Here's what happened last week:

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