Friday, May 1, 2009

Don't Miss Lists

Hmmm, slim pickins this month for new stuff at the library. Bold means hold.

Tales From The Darkside, season 1 - Oh boy, I searched for this three weeks ago but thought the library would never have it. This is a George Romero created TV show that was originally supposed to be Creepshow: The Series.

Congo - Wait this isn't the gorillas-set-on-fire-by-lasers movie, just an episode of the BBC's Atlas of the Natural World. Boo.

Friday the 13th Part 3-D - I have a previous version of this movie but this is the just released version that's actually in 3-D. The library doesn't mention if they give you the glasses, though.

Repo! The Genetic Opera - I've heard very good and very bad things about this super gory musical. I'll give it a try because Anthony Stewart's Head is in it.

Fat Head - This is the anti-Super Size Me that proves you can lose weight when eating fast food for every meal by making reasonable decisions. I read about it when MST3K's Michael Nelson was eating bacon for every meal to prove it's not the killer everyone makes it out to be. Find out why Morgan Spurlock is a dirty rotten fraud.

Real Life Teens: Self Destruction - Call 1-800-DONT-CUT. Judging by LiveJournal approximately 80% of girls cut themselves. And all the boys are furries.

Vampire Secrets - Seems that they don't mind garlic but hate leeks.

Chick Flick: How Birds Produce & Raise Chicks

3 the hard way-- again - A set that has the movies Pacific Inferno, Kill Factor, White Fire and Mafia vs. Ninja. I haven't heard of any of them but judging by how many reviews I've found online that use my favorite phrase "hilariously bad" this could be amazing.

Skinny Bitch Fitness. Booty Bounce

Childhood Trauma: A Parent's Guide - I wonder if this is a how-to. Wear a clown costume and enter your child's room at night. Put snakes in the toilet. Grab their ankles from underneath the basement steps. I can't wait to have children.

Now That's What I Call Music 30 - Well then you and I are very different people.

The Crow: New Songs For the Five-String Banjo by Steve Martin - I still haven't been able to get myself to listen to the Christmas banjo CD I currently have from the library. But still, Steve Martin. I wonder if his banjo playing is comically poignant.

Psychotic Supper Show by Tesla - This is the one with the songs Don't De-Rock Me and Toke About It. Yes, that one!

Death Rides A Pale Cow (The Ultimate Collection) by Dead Milkmen - I only have Big Lizard In My Backyard. I hear they get more mature later on. Anyone know?

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