Monday, May 4, 2009

I'm 'Jabba In The Special Edition' Years Old

This site takes a few of your favorite movies and tells you where you'd be if that movie were as long as your life. I'm this part in Star Wars where Jabba is blinking. I don't know what I think about currently being in a Special Edition scene. But at least they're still on Mos Eisley. I'll feel old when they finally get to the Death Star. I'm also to the scene in The Big Lebowski where Philip Seymour Hoffman says, "We were not aware of that, Dude" and they give him the toe. I'm at the point in Ferris Bueller where Sloane is having lunch with the Sausage King of Chicago. Where are you?

Update: I checked and it's going to take me 9 months just to get out of a Special Edition scene. Also, you can't enter 2009 but it looks like the youngest person I know, Jack Oliver, is looking at the Star Wars logo still waiting for the opening crawl. Maybe he'll crawl by the crawl.


  1. I think I am where Luke is watching his aunt and uncle's house burning. I thought I was further through life than that.

  2. Geez. you're not going to get to the bar for years.

  3. See if Star Wars was stretched out over your entire life (this assumes you know when you're going to die, I used the average) this is when in the movie would you be. I'm 42% done. Therefore I'm 42% my way through Star Wars, when Han is reasoning in Jabba. Who can move around apparently. And Boba Fett is there for some stupid reason.

  4. We are all individual, we all think our own thoughts, and all have our own feelings.

  5. ok, so i did it, but the scene from start wars that i'm in, i dont' recognize it... so my result = i'm lame

  6. Obi-wan and Luke are just leaving the cantina after arranging a ride with Han.

  7. wait.. did Marissa really write the comment about us being individuals? I didn't understand that at all.
    Also, I did the life expectancy calculator, which put me at 93 when I die. That's why I am so early in the movie

  8. I thought she was having a deeper conversation in a different window and accidentally commented here. But it's from the Jack Oliver link I didn't actually read, I just liked the photos.
